Tuesday, November 18, 2008

4 Color Compositions

For my first composition I wanted to continue with the fall theme and incorporate my swirly's that I like so much. I like how playful this turned out although I wish I had a lighter blue. The weirls are suppose to be wind blowing around the leaves, so I feel that if I had used a lighter blue the colors would have worked better together.

Then I moved on to Illustrator. We were told to begin incorporating letters into our compositions as objects rather than thinking of them as letters. I really enjoyed using Illustrator, and playing with the color and compositions. In this one I used the initials to my name KD. Both lower and upper case, and began to connect them down and across the page. I also played witht the white space and creating depth. Its a good start but I dont think I have figured it out just yet.

This one was also done in Illustrator, and again I played with white space. I dont remeber what letters I used. I just picked ones that I liked the way the looked. I think the font I picked is playful but a wider one would have helped with the effect I was trying to go for. I tired making the font shaped bigger but once I got the width I liked, I lost a lot of the detail that I liked. So it was a challenge to find a happy medium. I dont think I quite found it. But its a work in progress.

One of the things we talked about in class was to not let my compositions get too "soupy". These defiantly have a lot going on in them, and the background is kind of lost. This is something to keep in mind with my next compositions.

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